Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rasberry ketones (update)

     So I said I wouldn't weigh myself because evil Aunt Flo is in town but I couldn't resist since I started the Raspberry ketones, green coffee extract, dandelion root tea (which I haven't had yet), and green plums.  I stepped on the scale and to my ultimate surprise, even at my most bloated time of the month, I am down 2 pounds to an even 160!!! Sweet success...We will weigh again next Saturday.  Or tomorrow (because I'm a scale addict and I cant say if I'll be able to control my compulsive need to track every freakin pound!)
Mood: Content, energetic, FULL!
 These supplements absolutely work as appetite suppressants because its 8 o'clock, I have only consumed 650 calories and I am not even a little bit hungry! It's actually past lack of hunger.  I actually feel too full to eat. But...I will because eating less than 1200 calories will slow down my metabolism...OK? Happy now?!
Pounds to go: 20
Pounds shed: 20

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