And other than looking in the mirror this morning to brush my teeth (barely), I have not done anything "personal" since Thursday night.
I know.
I didn't consciously NOT shower. I literally didn't have time. Even when I realized that I'd gone into "B.O. Overtime" at 6:00 a.m., I knew that I had hungry babies to feed, a group to meet, and work to do. A shower would have to wait.
The thing is; I know that I'm not alone. A lot of moms find themselves too busy to do the basics because they just don't have time. The worst part, is when we do have time to ourselves, we wind up doing asinine tasks like dishes and scrubbing floor boards!
"Oh look! I have 10 minutes to myself! I should definitely use it to load the dishwasher. "
This literally happened to me today. The baby was finally asleep, I find myself with a killosecond of free time and I found myself looking at this:
I know, but midway through loading plates with half eaten Mac and cheese and mugs of chocolate milk (because; Who rinses?!), I realized that I could walk away from the sink and do something for myself for just a change. That the dishes could wait. That, dammit, I smelled like a billy goat.
I took a shower...
And that's ok.
In fact: It's all ok. Don't feel like you're the only mom who doesn't look like a super model, and smell like fresh lilies. Don't feel like a failure if you have dishes in the sink, and don't beat yourself up if you feed your kids non-organic, non-free range, gluten filled pizza.
It's ALL ok.
Take a few minutes for yourself everyday. Even if it's just a hot shower. Just remember that you aren't the only mom who forgets about her needs while caring for her families.
I definitely understand how you feel. Zaria has Acid reflux So I always smell like throw up. I just want take a bath without feeling guilty about it